Mickey Bryant grew up in Southern California during the early days of drag racing and was present during much of its growth. He could be seen at the famed Lions Drag Strip from its opening day in 1955 until the late 60s when his career as a Business Manager in the music industry took him to Nashville Tennessee.
But it was his passion for the drag strip of days gone by that kept calling him back. One particular day as he was reading an article on the anniversary of the first March Meet, the floodgates opened. He had been at that event and witnessed history in the making. The story had to be written. And so “Three Weeks in March” was born. Then another book followed, and another, and another. Mickey had been in the heart of the sport at its birth and development and offered a unique perspective. Soon after, Mickey semi retired from his career in Nashville and moved to Las Vegas where he and daughter Michelle established Bryant & Bryant Publishing company specifically to preserve, publish and promote his growing series of books on the rise of drag racing, from a spectators view.
Today, Mickey continues to write and document his experiences in Drag Racing. He stays in touch with the Pioneers of the Sport, and can be seen trackside again in Southern California at select events with daughter Michelle and some of the biggest names in the industry. He stays committed to passing on to the next generation what it was like, back in the day.